IIH CoreConfiguration and data access of shopfloor devices
APIBuilding X - APIsAccess building data, operate assets & build apps
APIProtect MyMachine /SetupAutomate your analytics run
APIManage MyAIAutomated data exchange with Edge asset
APISITRANS SCM IQAutomate your condition monitoring and maintenance
APIAnalyze MyWorkpiece /MonitorAutomate your condition monitoring and maintenance
APIAnalyzeMyMachine /ConditionIntegrate measurement configuration and results
APIAnalyze MyWorkpiece /ToolCheckAutomate your analytics run
APISCiP - Siemens Charging Interoperability ProtocolManage your futureproof EV Charging infrastructure
APIPlantSight APIsCreate, analyze, and query your digital twin
APIAnalyze MyWorkpiece /Capture4AnalysisCapture manufacturing process data of your assets
APIAsset Performance Suite APIsEnsure asset uptime and optimize processes
APIiot timeseries APIsee applications’ timeseries data in MindSphere